International Journals on Thermal Science and Engineering
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Begell House
Annual Review of Heat Transfer
Computational Thermal Sciences
Heat Pipe Science and Technology, An International Journal
Heat Transfer Research
Interfacial Heat Transfer Conference (Digital Library)
Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer
International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment
Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer
Journal of Porous Media
DE Gruyter
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics

Advances in Applied Energy
Advances in Heat Transfer
Applied Energy
Applied Thermal Engineering
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
Chemical Engineering Science
Combustion and Flame
Computers & Fluids
Energy and Buildings
Energy Conversion and Management
Energy for Sustainable Development
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Fire Safety Journal
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
International Journal of Refrigeration (by IIR)
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
International Journal of Thermofluids
Journal of Power Sources
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
Nano Energy
Nuclear Engineering and Design
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
Renewable Energy
Solar Energy
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress

Engineering Computations
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow

Old City Publishing, Inc.
High Temperatures-High Pressures
International Journal of Transport Phenomena

Energy & Environment

Continuum  Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Heat and Mass Transfer (Wärme- und Stoffübertragung)
High Temperature
International Journal of Thermophysics
Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics
Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Journal of Thermal Science
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology
Thermal Engineering
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

Taylor & Francis Ltd
Combustion Science and Technology
Experimental Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer Engineering
Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, Applications
Numerical Heat Transfer Part B, Fundamentals
Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering

Energy Science & Engineering
Energy Technology
Heat Transfer
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

ASHRAE Journal

Journal of Electronic Packaging
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
Journal of Fluids Engineering
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications

Thermal Science and Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

International Journal of Refrigeration

Journal of Thermal Science and Technology

Energy & Environmental Science

Thermal-Fluids Central
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer

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